
Media and Communications

Career outcomes



You’ll be primed with professional skills highly valued across a range of media sectors.

Communications and publishing

If you have a gift for story, give yourself the advantage of a clear-cut pathway to a rewarding career. Build your future in journalism, public-relations and professional writing, through to marketing, media management, and communication – or even publishing.


Christopher Girardi

Christopher Girardi is currently studying the Bachelor of Arts, majoring in Media and Communications and Politics and International Studies.

What’s been most surprising about studying Media and Communications is that the focus is not solely on journalism – although that’s definitely an option. The subject options in the major are broad enough that I’ve been able to choose from practical subjects in digital communications and marketing, to subjects with a stronger theoretical focus like understanding how media systems function. This broad base of subjects has allowed me to connect developments in the international media landscape to concepts I’ve analysed in my other major, Politics and International Studies.

In 2017, I interned with the Australian Institute of International Affairs, where I assisted in organising corporate sponsorships and attendees for 2017 events, including the Sir Zelman Cowen Oration. I’ve also interned with tech start-up Paddl, where I’m now working part-time in marketing to help grow their platform. Paddl is a web app that allows emerging talent to enhance their job-readiness by connecting with meaningful employment and experience opportunities, and employers to better assess and connect with the brightest young talent.

I’ve also loved my time doing marketing work for the Melbourne Arts Students Society. These experiences have complemented the skills I’ve developed during the BA, giving me the opportunity to apply them in real-world environments, meet and learn from new people, and gain experience working in areas that truly interest me.

After I graduate, I’d love to work in a field that has potential for social impact, both domestically and overseas. I’m hoping to combine the skills I’ve gained from studying Media and Communications and my other major in the BA to work in those areas.