Graduate Coursework

Doctor of Medicine

  • Course code: MC-DMED
4 years full time
Mode (Location)
On campus (Parkville)
Key dates
Commonwealth Supported Places (CSPs) available
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Entry pathways
Special entry options and Access Melbourne are available
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The Doctor of Medicine (MD) is a four year full-time course comprising:

  • One year of integrated bioscience and clinical learning featuring an innovative case-based teaching approach
  • Two core clinical training years which facilitate learning with patients in a wide range of settings
  • Discovery subjects which provide students flexibility to explore areas of particular interest
  • The option to complete an immersive research experience in an area of interest
  • A capstone semester in which you will "rehearse" the skills required for effective and safe clinical practice
  • An annual medical conference which will provide opportunities to interact with leaders in research, policy and clinical healthcare.

Course Structure

MD Course structure

Further information on each of these subjects can be found in the Doctor of Medicine Handbook page.

Flexible Pathways

The redesigned Doctor of Medicine Course (MD) provides flexible pathways for you to meet the course core research
learning outcomes and includes the option to extend skills and scholarship by choosing either the Research Scholar
pathway or Clinical Scholar pathway.

Each pathway will broaden your skillset in either research skills and leadership (research scholarship pathway) or clinical
advocacy and leadership (clinical scholarship pathway). Both pathways offer learning activities, projects and assessment
tailored to meet and go beyond the course learning outcomes in your chosen area of interest.

During your second year, you will consider which pathway best meets your interests and career goals and choose either
the Research Scholar pathway or the Clinical Scholar pathway. You will be supported in this decision-making process by an
experienced team of Course Advisors.

Discovery subjects

Discovery will enable you to look deeper into an area aligned with the core curriculum that has piqued your curiosity.

  • In year 1 of discovery, you’ll lay the foundation of knowledge and understanding (Discovery 1 - Foundation)
  • In year 2, you’ll be applying your learning to the clinical setting (Discovery 2 - Application)
  • In year 3, you’ll be integrating multiple concepts into your practice of medicine (Discovery 3 - Integration OR Discovery 3 - Research Scholar)
  • In year 4, your discovery subject culminates in using what you’ve learned to create something new (Discovery 4 - Clinical Scholar OR Discovery 4 - Research Scholar)
  • Find out more about MD Discovery here.

Clinical electives

You will also have the option of undertaking a clinical elective of least one week duration during any non-teaching period.

Explore this course

Explore the subjects you could choose as part of this degree.