
Animal Health and Disease

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Career outcomes


After completing the Animal Health and Disease major in the Bachelor of Science, you’ll be well placed to move into the workforce, further study or graduate research.

Career outcomes

This major will lead you into a rewarding career in veterinary or animal research, animal welfare, animal agriculture and the increasingly important areas of disease surveillance and biosecurity.

Further study

You can complete an honours year in Veterinary Bioscience as part of your Bachelor of Science, or you can immediately move into graduate studies.

Other graduate study

Depending on the subjects you take in your undergraduate degree, a range of other graduate study options may be possible – in fields as diverse as science and technology, agriculture, health sciences, teaching, law, business, humanities and more.


If you complete an honours year or a masters course with a significant research component, you can go on to study a PhD (Doctor of Philosophy), or another graduate research program.

This will set you up for a rewarding career in research with a University, research institute, consulting company or not-for-profit.