
Diploma in Music

  • Course code: D-MUSIC
1 year full time
Mode (Location)
On campus (Parkville)
February, July
Key dates
Commonwealth Supported Places (CSPs) available
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Entry pathways
Special entry options and Access Melbourne are available
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Course structure


Practical experience

If you're interested in music performance, the diploma can allow you to focus on practical music training, providing individual instrumental or vocal tuition during a three-year (minimum) sequence of practical, ensemble and elective subjects.

Academic studies

If you're interested in musicology, ethnomusicology or other areas of academic interest in music, the program allows you to complete the equivalent of a major in music studies.

Areas of study

Instrumental and vocal lessons

The diploma allows you to take 45 minute instrumental or vocal lessons with our world-class performance staff, or choose from any combination of practical, ensemble and elective subjects.

Wide choice of subjects

For students interested in music history, non-western music, jazz & improvisation, interactive composition or other areas of academic interest in music, the program allows access to the wide range of Conservatorium subjects in these areas.

Course structure

  • This Diploma consists of 100 points (usually eight subjects) of elective subject choices, usually taken across three years, which may be chosen from all areas of study within the Melbourne Conservatorium of Music
  • No more than 50 points (usually four subjects) of level 1 Music electives can be taken
  • At least 25 points (usually two subjects) of level 3 Music electives must be taken
  • Up to 50 points (usually four subjects) may be cross-credited as Breadth to your main Bachelor degree.